We are more than happy to answer any question you ask on our IFAQ (InFrequently Asked Questions) page .

Q. How big is David Cameron's Arsehole ?

A. For his sake hopefully big enough to insert his head when the shooting starts .

Q. Does this mean you are a bit of a left wing looney?

A. Does it FUCK! , Milliband can shove his head up his arse too ! Don't get me started on Clegg , I'm still trying to work out if he lost his Balls or his Spine first .

Q. Why does Ben and Jerrys Phish Food have no Fish in it ?

A. Because it has Phish in it .

Q. Why does 'Live' in your discography have different artwork ?

A. Wow , well done for having found a copy , even I don't have a copy of that C.D. !  Truth is we never released ' Live' , someone posted it online a few years back with their own artwork . It was pointed out to us that the artwork could be severly misinterpreted so we 'officially' recognise it with our own artwork .

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